作为 南希介绍,这是我们春季 WCTF 博客系列的第四篇也是最后一篇文章, 实现有影响力的成果:WCTF 的观察.在今天的帖子中,CommCorp 高级副总裁 Rebekah Lashman 将探讨成功的行业合作伙伴关系的特征。

  在过去的 10 年中,我们已投资 劳动力竞争力信托基金 以及由区域行业部门合作伙伴设计和管理的 80 多个计划中的其他州和联邦资源。我们对这些投资的目标是让马萨诸塞州居民做好准备,让他们在其他方面不会被认为是地区企业需要的工作的有力候选人。一些项目非常成功;其他人一直在挣扎。正如我们多年来对它们的观察,我们得出了一些关于成功部门合作伙伴关系特征的结论。它们分为三类:


Partnerships that focus on specific labor market problems develop more effective programs. They are more likely to invest in continuous improvement and are in a better position to meet additional needs of the targeted industry. We suggest that partnership members pick a single occupation (or a closely-related set of occupations) for which there is clear evidence that there is current and near-term (one to two years) demand for workers. Last month my colleague Theresa Rowland and I had the privilege of offering a workshop at the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition Conference. We shared some resources for identifying an occupation and included 就职业需求与地区雇主进行面谈的指南. We also suggest that partnerships focus on a target population around which they will design the program. The most successful industry sector programs address the intersection between the skills and knowledge required for an occupation and the experience and skills that are attainable for a target population within a reasonable timeframe.  单击此处获取其他资源 我们在这里分享一些关于如何进行这种分析的额外想法。  


We’re all crazy busy and are feeling under increasing pressure to do more with less.  No one, whether they work for a non-profit or public agency or a private organization, will remain committed to and engaged in a group for very long if the work isn’t aligned in some way with the mission of their organization and if they don’t have relevant resources or expertise to contribute to the group.  There just isn’t enough time in the day or week. Every member of the partnership should be able to articulate what they or their organization will gain from participating and what they are bringing to the table that is essential for success. In our RFPs we always insist that a sector partnership include businesses that have a current and likely ongoing need for workers in the targeted occupation. The business members have the most information about the skill requirements for the occupation and about hiring practices and organizational culture. They should certainly participate in the program design and can often play a role in instruction, particularly if they can contribute a skilled worker who also has been trained in effective teaching methods. But there are many other areas of expertise that are essential for an effective industry sector program and are not likely to be in a business member’s wheelhouse. These include recruitment, assessment, social services, case management and career coaching, work readiness skill building, contextualized literacy, numeracy, English-language proficiency, and job development. We’re currently working with eight partnerships whose members are engaged in a rigorous program design exercise in which they are assessing and revising every element of their programs to ensure that they meet the requirements of their target occupations and the needs of their target populations.  We’ve been learning along with them – our colleague Anthony Britt discussed the 程序设计的基本要素在他 5 月的博客中.我们还开发了一个 工业部门计划发展阶段的概述和一些建议的步骤。   如您所见,我们相信几乎不可能高估进行有效程序设计和交付所需的努力和投资水平。我们建议在整个设计过程中,伙伴关系成员对所需的专业知识、能力和资源进行广泛的盘点,以确保伙伴关系具有成功设计和执行项目的集体能力。


多年来,伙伴关系成员告诉我们,当他们清楚自己承诺做什么、他们扮演什么角色、如何做出决策以及他们如何知道他们的计划是否成功时,他们是最有效的。确定一个组织作为伙伴关系的召集人和工作人员是至关重要的。我们在我们的 合作指南 in detail but the most critical capacities for the convener include relationship management, participant-level data collection and analysis and fiscal and project management. We also believe strongly that members should develop a shared program development work plan and an MOA that articulates the role, responsibility and resource commitments of each member of the partnership as well as the decision making processes. Finally, as 特蕾莎在四月的博客中建议, the work of industry sector partnerships must be data-driven. The members should insist on, and commit to participating in, a continuous process improvement cycle. In order to do this, they will need identify the data required to assess the effectiveness of each program element, develop data collection and analysis capacity, and establish a schedule and protocol for reviewing the data and revising the program as needed. None of this is easy.  After all, industry sector partnerships are coming together to solve labor market 问题.但我们认为,如果我们要成功地确保马萨诸塞州的居民准备好满足我们州企业的人才需求,这一点至关重要。关于行业部门合作,您的经验教会了您什么?请为我们不断努力分享经验教训和有效实践做出贡献。 由 Commonwealth Corporation 部门战略高级副总裁 Rebekah Lashman 撰写。 Rebekah 领导 CommCorp 对部门就业和技能提升计划的投资设计,包括劳动力竞争力信托基金和劳动力培训基金。