Giffords 法律中心、PICO 国家网络和社区司法改革最近发布的一份报告: 投资干预:国家级支持在打破城市枪支暴力循环中的关键作用 highlights the impact of the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) and Shannon Community Safety Initiative, evidence-based violence prevention and intervention programs at work here in Massachusetts:
Excerpt from the report:
马萨诸塞州通过向两个全州的竞争性赠款计划提供资金和技术援助,展示了其解决青少年暴力问题的承诺: 安全和成功的青年倡议 (SSYI) 和香农社区安全倡议 (Shannon CSI)。
SSYI 和 Shannon CSI 携手合作,建立了一个全面的暴力预防计划和社会服务提供者网络,为处于风险中的马萨诸塞州青年从青春期到成年期提供支持。由于香农 CSI 的目标人群是更年轻的人群,并侧重于长期预防,因此更难以评估其直接影响,但项目地点始终与减少的逮捕和袭击数量相关。
然而,对 SSYI 受助者的评估描绘了一幅清晰的画面。在 2013 年至 2016 年期间,马萨诸塞州洛厄尔的总体枪支相关活动下降了 22%,与帮派有关的犯罪活动下降了 31%,非致命枪击事件下降了 61%。估计每起枪支杀人案的枪支暴力成本不到 50 万美元,很容易看出 SSYI 如何为马萨诸塞州的纳税人带来可观的节省。 2014 年的一份报告估计,波士顿和斯普林菲尔德的 SSYI 计划每年至少为该州节省 $15 百万。
SSYI is a multifaceted, community-based strategy that combines public health and public safety approaches to reduce violence among proven-risk, young men ages 17-24. It operates in 12 communities across the state disproportionately impacted by violence and serves thousands of people each year.
Commonwealth Corporation provides program management and technical assistance for SSYI on behalf of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.
It’s encouraging to see programs like SSYI and Shannon CSI making a tangible difference in reducing youth violence across Massachusetts. The significant drops in firearm-related activity and criminal incidents in Lowell demonstrate the effectiveness of these interventions in enhancing community safety. Not only do these programs save lives, but they also yield substantial financial savings for the state, underscoring their value in investing in prevention and support services for at-risk youth.