The Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) is a youth and young adult violence prevention and intervention initiative that operates in cities with the highest juvenile crime rates.
There were 暴力犯罪受害者减少 815 人,2018 年 SSYI 城市的 14 至 24 岁*,导致 每年节省成本 $38,243,359,相对于 $7,549,079 的计划支出。对于每一个 $1城市投资 在 SSYI,他们 保存 $5.10 in victimization costs.
SSYI targets a small number of individuals, ages 17-24, that local police have identified as “proven risk” or “impact players.” These individuals are substantially gang-involved, most likely to be a victim or perpetrator of a violent weapons offense, or engaged in high volume illegal activity.
SSYI reaches out to these individuals and offers a chance to redirect their lives through educational, employment, and behavioral health services. Over 1,800 youth and young adults are involved with the program each year.
Since taking office, the Baker-Polito Administration has allocated over $27.9M for cities to implement SSYI. The Governor’s FY20 budget (H1) funded SSYI at $10 million, $1.9 million above FY19, an increase of 23% to help expand the program to young women.
SSYI 城市的犯罪
2012 年至 2017 年间,获得 SSYI 资助的城市 年度暴力犯罪减少 每 1,000 人中多达 2.2 起犯罪和 年度暴力犯罪受害人数减少 14 至 24 岁的每 1,000 人中几乎有 3.2 人受害。* 虽然城市中存在着减少暴力犯罪的多项努力,但 SSYI 在减少年度暴力犯罪和受害方面具有统计显着的影响。
Violent criminal offense rates, per 1,000 population (all ages) in SSYI and non-SSYI cities.
Violent crime victimization rates, per 1,000 population (ages 14 to 24) in SSYI and non-SSYI cities.
SSYI 客户历史和经验
2012 年之后,加入 SSYI 的客户有 36% 更少的暴力犯罪,包括 50% 更少的与武器相关的罪行,以及 20% 减少非暴力犯罪 比确定参加该计划但从未注册的年轻男性。
调查回复表明,客户通过参与 SSYI 体验到积极的生活变化。
CORI 数据中平均犯罪次数的百分比差异 (n = 827)
加入该计划后 SSYI 客户生活的变化 (n = 73)