赋能您的未来 |青年服务部

赋能未来(Empower Your Future)青年服务部(DYS) | 支持青年职业、教育和生活目标的技能建设


赋能未来(Empower Your Future)是一系列课程,旨在帮助年轻人发展学术/技术能力、做好职场准备和培养所需的个人/社交能力,使其重回社区上学或工作时变得积极主动、有韧性和适应能力。它在DYS计划的职业探索研讨会期间使用。

赋能未来(Empower Your Future,EYF)模型基于可能自我理论和马萨诸塞州职业发展基准。EYF课程强调学术/技术能力、步入职场的准备工作以及个人和社交能力,这与马萨诸塞州职业发展基准保持一致。EYF课程的目标是培养学生上述能力,发现并努力实现积极的可能自我,在其重回工作岗位或学校时变得积极主动、有韧性和适应能力。

欲了解更多信息,请通过[email protected]联系 Hamzah Latif 或点击下方取得联系。


As the juvenile justice agency for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Department of Youth Services promotes positive change in the youth in our care and custody. Our mission is to make communities safer by improving the life outcomes for youth in our care. We achieve our mission through investing in highly qualified staff and a service continuum that engages youth, families, and communities in strategies that support positive youth development. DYS serves youth between the ages of 12-21 who have been committed to its care and custody by the courts, referred by the police upon arrest, and youth previously committed to its custody who choose to engage in voluntary services with DYS (Youth Engaged in Services or YES).


Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。 

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