副州长 Karyn Polito。
这是 Cherrell McKoy 在劳动力领导力项目中接受的关于自信的信息之一,该项目现在提供给总部位于布罗克顿的父亲 Bill's & MainSpring 的员工,该非营利组织为马萨诸塞州东南部的无家可归者和支持性住房提供庇护,包括市中心的紧急避难所。波士顿的麦考伊说,在过去的两个月里,她通过国家资助的劳动力培训计划参加了大约五门课程。
“Now I can utilize what I have learned and feel comfortable to apply for a leadership position with confidence,” said McKoy, a housing case manager, who’s been employed for two years at Father Bill’s. “Not only have I been able to apply those leadership traits to my job, I’ve been able to apply them to my personal life in being a mother, a wife, a daughter and friend. … The three important things I learned from the training are that leaders are teachable, leaders build morale and leaders lead with a mission. At Father Bill’s our mission is no one should be homeless, and I truly believe in that.”
Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito came to the training room at Father Bill & MainSpring’s offices on Belmont Street in Brockton on Thursday to announce a total of $10 million in matching funds granted by the state, mostly for private businesses, with 96 grants awarded to 133 employers, which she said will be used to provide training to around 6,500 employees
在 The Enterprise 阅读全文。
Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。
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