欢迎来到我们的 WCTF 博客系列: 实现有影响力的成果:WCTF 的观察.我很高兴向您介绍我们即将推出的专门为您创建的博客系列:我们在劳动力发展方面的同事和合作伙伴致力于支持马萨诸塞州的企业和工人创造更强大的经济。这是 4 个博客中的第 1 个,将在接下来的一个半月内分享。

  At CommCorp, we’re in the skills-building business. Across the Commonwealth, we design and execute workforce programs in partnership with businesses, educators, training providers and the workforce system. In this series, we are going to focus on key takeaways from our management of the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund (WCTF). The Massachusetts Legislature established the WCTF in 2006 to support sector partnerships that lead to employment outcomes. More than ten years later, the WCTF continues to invest in demand-driven programs designed by industry sector partnerships that train and place unemployed and underemployed workers. Since 2006, we’ve learned a lot. We carefully review each partnership we fund; acknowledging and learning from any challenges we and our partners come across. Recently, we completed a round of WCTF funding called 解决中等技能差距. This round of funding was designed to address the gap between skills held by workers and the skills needed by employers for jobs that require more than a high school diploma but less than the equivalent of a 4-year degree. The partnerships funded between 2013 and 2016 demonstrated impressive outcomes:
  • 招聘求职者903人,完成培训817人(90%);
  • 447家企业670人就业;这是毕业生的 82% 和参与者的 74%,相比之下 全国招生安置 类似程序的 56% 速率;和,
  • 与全国平均水平 64% 相比,83% 被安置的工人被保留了至少 6 个月,平均每小时赚取 $15.02。
此外,这一轮证实了我们对确保企业取得成功所必需的要素的理解 求职者: 上述每个组成部分对于为我们服务的人群产生有影响力的结果至关重要,在接下来的几个月中,我们将进一步探索这些主题并与您分享我们的见解。您将听到 CommCorp 团队的多位成员的讲话,包括我们的行业战略高级副总裁 Rebekah Lashman、WCTF 主任 Theresa Rowland 和我们的 WCTF 项目经理 Anthony Britt。我们希望本系列对您有所帮助,我们期待与您进一步交流。 敬请关注!