400 多名青年、社区领袖和家庭齐聚一堂,庆祝和观看青年创造的艺术 马萨诸塞州青年服务部 (DYS) 万众瞩目的节目 7th 年度DYS“分享你的艺术,分享你的声音!” 5月14日星期二的活动。
举行于 WGBH 工作室 in Brighton, this year’s statewide event featured 260 art pieces for sale created by 100 young artists.
All the creativity showcased was developed by youth in the care of DYS (youth in residential programs, in the community, and 是的青年). Young people submitted artwork for the showcase, were paid for their participation, and could sell their work. This year the event raised $7,887.24— 15.59 percent more than last year.
This event reinforces the Commonwealth’s investment in educational and workforce development for youth in DYS programs. For the last decade, the agency has used arts education as a youth engagement strategy and opportunity for positive youth development.
在美术馆之外,更多的青年艺术作品展示了节目和社区合作伙伴关系,客人与艺术家会面和交谈,更多地了解各种服务,并参与动手示范和教育活动。包括合作伙伴展位 演员的莎士比亚计划,代表社区和住宅剧院艺术节目; 缩小机会差距 包括出售原创手工金属作品的 Diesel Works 节目;和 独家 T 恤,由 Commonwealth Corporation 运营的以青年为主导的定制丝印社会企业——仅举几例。
马萨诸塞州霍利奥克 Diesel Works 焊接计划的青年和工作人员。
Gio, a teen who participated in the Diesel Works Welding Program in Holyoke, expressed how grateful he was for the opportunity to learn a new trade. “Because of this program, I plan to pursue a career in welding,” he said. “I never thought I would be interested in this but I actually like it a lot. It’s fun.” Gio explained that without the program, he probably would be doing something he shouldn’t.
After viewing the art and networking, attendees were led into the WGBH auditorium for an array of live performances by the youth. First welcomed by DYS Deputy Commissioner Ruth Rovezzi who stated how proud she is of the youth and acknowledged their hard work, the audience watched performances that included hip-hop dance, poetry and rap, drumming and singing.
For the past seven years, Commonwealth Corporation has supported the DYS Arts Showcase and would like to thank everyone who participated and made a purchase. If you weren’t able to buy any pieces, no worries! An online store will be up in a few weeks of youth Arts available for purchase!
Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。
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