South Hadley 的 Food 101 Bistro 餐厅熙熙攘攘,充满了周五晚上忙碌的所有迹象:满座,服务员同时覆盖多张桌子,厨房散发出美味的气味。但这个特殊的场合不是周五晚上。事实上,这是一个毕业典礼,是为期 9 周的培训计划的高潮,计划参与者学习了餐厅业务的所有细节,并在那天展示了他们的技能。
Carl was seated at the table next to mine. He was attending the graduation to support some family members, and he himself had graduated from the same program nearly a year before. Between one of the four gourmet courses served, he shared some of his story with me.
A veteran, Carl had enjoyed culinary arts dating back to his time in high school. When he returned from service, he was looking for a job and the opportunity to refresh some of his high school skills. He found his solution in the 霍利奥克社区学院烹饪培训计划 由 劳动力竞争力信托基金.
Several of the skills were familiar to Carl, but he also received training in a variety of areas that were new and essential to understand the food and hospitality industry including food and wine pairing, conflict resolution, ServSafe, OSHA 10, TIPS, and more.
In addition to the significant amount of training and certifications, participants had the opportunity to work directly with Chef Alan, owner of Food 101 Bistro and their lead instructor. “When people start the program, no one really knows what they want to do,” the chef told me, “but throughout the program they get the feel and the energy of a real restaurant.” They receive training in both the “back of the house” or kitchen, and the front of the house which requires customer-service.
When they’re not training at Food 101 Bistro, they’re putting in the rest of their 20 hours a week at a brand-new facility in Holyoke funded through a partnership with MGM and Holyoke Community College. The HCC MGM Culinary Arts Institute boasts brand new equipment, kitchens with enormous ovens, stoves, and everything you would find in a restaurant, in addition to classrooms, computer labs, and individual study spaces.
Carl was part of the first cohort of participants that got to learn in the training facility. In addition to culinary skills, participants work on math and reading, and learn how to price a menu. They finish the program with every skill they need to be successful in a restaurant.
Since completing the program back in the fall of 2017 and re-entering the workforce, Carl has enrolled in Holyoke Community College and is on his way to earning his associates degree in Food Service Management. He is currently working as a chef in a restaurant and also signed on to work as a culinary arts lab tech and instructor with HCC. He taught classes to men and women in custody at Hampden County Jail that provided them with skills they can apply to a job in the food industry upon release.
Carl finds teaching to be incredibly rewarding. “I want to be an instructor when I’m done with my degree. This has been a great stepping stone. It’s like an internship,” he said.
卡尔是迄今为止完成该计划的 55 人之一。最近的毕业生对即将开业的米高梅赌场感到兴奋,这承诺增加他们过去几个月培训的行业的就业机会。成人基础教育和劳动力发展助理副总裁 Kermit Dunkelberg 在毕业典礼上指出, “雇主渴望人才。凭借你在这里建立的技能,你就是他们正在寻找的人。” The Executive Chef of MGM himself attended the graduation.
The day ended with high spirits as proud family members hugged their loved ones, graduates shared excitement about upcoming job fairs and interviews, and program managers and instructors committed to continue to support graduates even after they completed the program. Kermit repeated the mantra “这与工作无关;这是关于职业的。”