在 Commonwealth Corporation,我们致力于马萨诸塞州的劳动力发展,该州严重依赖老龄化劳动力资源。随着越来越多的劳动人口退休,我们面临着技术人才的不可避免的短缺。 对工人的需求很大——但马萨诸塞州的残疾人就业率却位于各州的下半部分,  约为 36.6%. One solution to the worker shortage in Massachusetts: employ more people with disabilities. While the rate for acquiring a disability increases as one gets older, recent data suggests that most people with disabilities are within the working ages of 18 to 64. This suggests that there are other forces contributing to the employment discrepancy between people with disabilities and people without. There is a great deal of variability in the shares of people with disabilities by state 在 2017 年残疾统计年度报告中强调。 Commonwealth Corporation 想召集对该主题感兴趣的该领域的专家。因此,使用主题标签 #CommCorpChat,我们将主持一个 4 月 25 日下午 1-2 点的 Twitter 聊天 to discuss the various challenges that make it difficult for people with disabilities to engage fully in the labor market. During this chat we hope to engage workforce development professionals, employers, training providers, and those within the disability community to come together to bring forth unique ideas and possible solutions. We will explore the following questions during the chat:
  1. 对于选择向雇主披露其残疾的残障人士有哪些最佳做法?
  2. 工人如何为消除身体和/或精神残疾的污名化做出贡献?
  3. PWD 重新进入劳动力市场后如何解决简历中的空白?
  4. 职业中心和其他劳动力发展组织如何与 PWD 合作以支持他们的求职?
  5. 许多招聘程序借鉴了可以将残障人士排除在合适职位之外的规范流程。雇主如何创建更具包容性的招聘流程?
  6. 劳动力发展战略如何更好地支持残疾人获得获得“好”工作所需的技能、信心和支持?
  7. 雇主和残疾人社区如何合作,为残疾人创造一个温馨的工作环境?
  8. 对于想要重新进入工作场所但担心福利会因此消失的残障人士,您有什么建议?
我们期待进行对话,以帮助解决导致这种就业差距的系统性问题。我们希望你可以加入我们 @commcorp_MA!  


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