From service jobs to CEOs, women’s positions in the workplace have changed dramatically in the past decades. Today, women still face unforeseen challenges. Women are feeling more burnt out than ever. Since the pandemic, more and more women have been represented in senior leadership positions, which is encouraging. However, women now are increasing more burnout than men. This article highlights the 麦肯锡公司完成的 2021 年职场女性报告. It is the most extensive study on the state of women in corporate America. Four hundred twenty-three organizations with more than 65,000 employees participated in this study. Individual interviews with women of diverse identities, including women of color, LGBTQ+, and women with disabilities, were conducted. From 2016, we have seen that women are promoted to manager at a 低得多的利率 than men. One in three women considers downshifting their careers or leaving their workplace in 2021. Moreover, 4 in 10 women also consider leaving their companies or switching careers. Representation of women falls at every corporate pipeline compared to men. While there’s an increasing number of women in leadership positions, women of color still face considerable challenges gaining representation. The representation of women of color drops more than 75 percent between the entry-level to C-suite. In 2021, women of color only made up 4% of C-suite level positions; this number has not changed much in the past three years. Asian women tend to be overlooked at work and less likely than other groups of women to receive positive feedback on their leadership abilities. Over 16% of Asian women encountered getting mistaken by their co-worker for someone else of their race. Therefore, it is harder for Asian women to get recognized in the workplace. Black women are more likely to face higher barriers in the workplace by almost any measure. They experience more microaggression than any other woman of color, and over 60% of Black women have personally been affected by racial trauma in the past year. Even though Black women face challenging situations at the workplace, they spend more time devote themselves to DEI work than any group of employees. Latinas are less likely to have flexible work should among other groups of women, and they are less likely to take time off for their families or personal health than other races and ethnicities. Almost a third of Latinas carry on both responsibilities of taking care of the children and elderly, which leads to a low work-life balance for many Latinas. For immigrant Latinas, the situation is even more challenging. 公司需要拥抱瞬息万变的社会,并制定合理的战略来帮助员工度过流行病。同时,关注员工的性别和种族平等。包容性和多样性对于优秀的公司文化至关重要。实践和庆祝女性的多样性和平等。创造一个更好的工作场所,让所有员工、所有女性都能感受到自己的归属感。 关于作者:Vera Zhou 是一名营销和传播专家 英联邦公司实习生.她是波士顿大学的研究生,正在攻读新兴媒体硕士学位。