Baker-Polito 政府今天启动了一项新的招聘和培训雇主资助计划“HireNow”,该计划将帮助雇主快速招聘和培训新员工,让更多人重返工作岗位。新计划为符合条件的雇主提供每位员工 $4,000 的补助金,可用于支付培训费用或作为新员工的签约奖金。通过为雇主提供这些灵活的资金以促进快速招聘,政府正专注于解决雇主面临的持续招聘挑战并提高劳动力参与度。雇主可以了解有关该计划的更多信息并申请 The program is open to all Massachusetts employers, including both for-profit and non-profit entities (excluding federal, state, and municipal governments). Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Rosalin Acosta announced the launch of the program today at LabCentral, a Cambridge non-profit that provides support and working space for start-ups in the biotech and life sciences sectors. LabCentral plans to hire lab operations and other technical and administrative staff this year and will use funds from HireNow to support training costs. “Our Administration is focused on supporting Massachusetts’ economic growth and getting more people back to work, and the HireNow program is one more tool at our disposal to meet employers’ workforce needs and grow our labor force,” 州长查理贝克说。 “The flexible funds from this program will be distributed to employers quickly to help them with training costs, tuition support and other needs. We are grateful to our partners in the Legislature for allocating the ARPA funds necessary to make this program happen.” “We know employers are ready to grow and expand by hiring new workers, and we’re excited to deploy flexible dollars as part of the HireNow program to jump-start those efforts,” 副州长卡琳·波利托说。 “Massachusetts’s economic recovery from the pandemic is off and running, but we know there are still persistent workforce challenges that we must address. To boost our local economies, it is critical that we help both for-profit and non-profit employers meet their workforce needs and get more people back to work. We appreciate the partnership of the employer community as we developed this program and look forward to putting these funds to work alongside our existing, proven job-training programs.” HireNow aims to address hiring challenges faced by employers that have been brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a recent analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data, there are over 85,000 workers not participating in the labor market compared to pre-pandemic levels. Meanwhile, employers’ need for workers has continued to increase, with unfilled job postings up 20% compared to pre-pandemic levels and approximately 200,000 open jobs available across the Commonwealth. The Administration is focused on addressing these challenges through a variety of efforts, including by expanding access and awareness to its existing, 学徒制在职工人培训计划, 这 职业技术倡议 and more. Local MassHire Workforce Boards are also expanding resources to match employers and workers with training programs, and regions are hiring new staff members to serve as regional “Market Makers” to connect companies to graduates of new education and training programs starting up in their areas funded by the American Rescue Plan Act.  These staff members will be regional points of contact to help match employers’ needs with both job-seekers and the skill-building programs needed to successfully fill open jobs.  In addition, MassHire Centers are adding staff to work directly with job seekers who want to enroll in new training programs to gain more skills. The HireNow program will build on these efforts by providing resources directly to employers that make it possible to immediately hire new employees and provide them with necessary training to fill open roles. The program will be supported by $50 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds. “We are excited to add HireNow to our growing number of grant programs that aim to close job and equity gaps across the Commonwealth,” 劳工和劳动力发展部长罗莎琳·阿科斯塔说。 “We hope these funds will encourage employers to expand their hiring strategy to include those with potential for learning and growing on the job, over a direct-skills match, as this will widen the candidate pool and help both jobseekers and businesses.” “Getting people back to work is a key element of our strategy for economic recovery and the ‘HireNow’ program allows us double down on these efforts,” 住房和经济发展部长迈克肯尼利说。 “I look forward to this program’s success not just in enhancing access to employment opportunities, but accelerating it.” “HireNow will be an excellent complement to the Career Technical Initiative we launched two years ago which expands access to high-quality vocational programs for high school students and adults by creating three shifts, one during the regular school day for vocational students, one in the afternoons for students enrolled in their local high school, and one in the evening for adult learners looking to change careers or upgrade their skills,” 教育部长詹姆斯佩瑟说。 “雇主将能够从 CTI 项目中招募学生,并使用 HireNow 赠款为其员工提供更深入的培训。” 节目详情:
  • 雇主资格: 任何在失业援助部和税务部义务方面信誉良好且未被州禁止的马萨诸塞州雇主都有资格(不包括联邦、州和市政府)。申请必须由雇主而非教育或培训合作伙伴提交。
  • 申请流程: 雇主必须通过提供雇主信息在 Mass.Gov/HireNow 在线预注册。在雇员被雇用和 60 天的保留期之后,雇主将提交最终的资助申请。联邦在批准申请时也会批准资金的计划使用(培训费用、签约奖金等)。
  • 符合条件的招聘: 必须在 2022 年 3 月 23 日之后进行招聘,至少保留 60 天,并被安置在每周至少 30 小时的工作中。新员工必须是在马萨诸塞州工作的马萨诸塞州居民。补偿也有限制:
    • 最低合格薪酬:$14.25 / hr(最低工资)
    • 最高合格补偿:$42.50 / hr(~$85K 年化)
  • 资金: 每位受雇的符合条件的员工最高可获得 $4,000,每位雇主的限额为 $400,000。资金将以先到先得的方式提供。