Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito、劳工和劳动力发展部长 Rosalin Acosta 和众议员 Carole Fiola 于 2019 年 3 月 21 日会见了患有 最近在福尔里弗完成了一个 YouthWorks 项目. 12 名年龄在 18 至 21 岁的失业和低收入男性参加该计划的培训部分的 12 名参与者的出勤率达到了 100%,并正在惠而浦公司的福尔里弗制造厂完成实习,该制造厂是世界上最大的专门从事商业洗衣的工厂。他们也都通过了 OSHA 10 认证。
More than $740,000 in grants will fund subsidized employment placements and development and implementation of career pathway programs for youth, helping young people explore in-demand industries and occupations, build professional skills, and gain the experience needed to find and keep jobs, the Baker-Polito Administration announced today.
At least 165 youth will participate in training and work-based learning for advanced manufacturing, early childhood education, financial services, health care and more in the programs awarded funding through the YouthWorks Year-Round Competitive Grant Program, the integrated work and learning youth program administered by Commonwealth Corporation on behalf of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.
Grantees applied for one of three options in this round of funding: a career pathway planning and implementation grant, a traditional YouthWorks placements plus targeted career exploration grant, or a planning-only grant for a future career pathway program. Seventeen grants were awarded to applicants and their partners.
Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。
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