


地区性的MassHire 劳动力委员会正在与当地社区行为医疗保健雇主以及教育和培训提供者合作,通过为希望为具有持续需求的职业做准备的成年人提供工作培训和支持来满足雇主对技术工人的需求。




WCTF grants expand training capacity to upskill new workers and address employers’ hiring needs across a broad range of occupations within industries such as healthcare, IT, transportation, and hospitality.

The enabling legislation for WCTF (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 29 Section 2WWW) calls for a report to be filed annually with the Secretary of Administration and Finance; the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means; and the Joint Committees on Community Development and Small Business, Education, Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, Labor and Workforce Development, and Public Health. The report must include the number of educational and eligible service providers receiving grants and participants receiving services and placed in employment, as well as the salary and benefits that participants receive after placement, the cost per participant, and job retention or promotion rates for the year after training ends.

Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。 

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