YouthWorks 常见问题解答:针对年轻人的常见问题
YouthWorks is a state-funded youth employment program that helps teens and young adults develop the skills and experience needed to find and keep jobs. Participants take part in paid short-term work placements during the summer and/or school year at public, private, and nonprofit work sites. As part of the program, they receive training in core soft skills, practice professional behavior and learn how to work effectively with supervisors, co-workers, and customers at their work sites. They also learn how to take the next steps in their education and career pathways.
我们有一个 6-8 周的 YouthWorks 暑期项目和一个从 9 月到 5 月运行的全年项目,服务于 25 岁以下的青少年!所有 YouthWorks 计划都使用 Signal Success 课程来帮助年轻人学习和练习在工作、学校和生活中重要的技能。