- Grant funds are limited to $15,000 per company per calendar year, $300 per instructional hour, and $3,000 per employee per course. Businesses are responsible for covering additional costs beyond these caps out-of-pocket.
- Massachusetts businesses with 100 or fewer Massachusetts W-2 employees may apply. In order to qualify, businesses must pay into the Workforce Training Fund. All for-profit companies pay into the fund.
- “Massachusetts businesses” are defined as companies with work being performed in Massachusetts that have an office, factory, warehouse or other physical location in Massachusetts. Neither employees’ home addresses nor P.O. boxes can be counted as locations for this purpose. Only companies that meet this definition and all other program guidelines can be approved for a Workforce Training Fund grant.
- 所有受训人员必须是接受快速计划资助的公司的全职或兼职工资雇员,并且必须在马萨诸塞州受雇。 (学员不需要住在马萨诸塞州。)
- 所有申请人都应准备好提交来自马萨诸塞州税务局的良好信誉证明 (COGS)。所有 COGS 应在申请提交之日起 6 个月内具有企业的法定名称和通知日期。点击 这里 从税务局获取您的销货成本。
- 其他公司的承包商或雇员(例如临时工)没有资格参加由赠款资助的培训。
- Eligible employers are encouraged to apply at any time for funding that is right sized to their current needs. Companies with 100 or fewer employees working in Massachusetts may apply and receive more than one Express Program grant at a time, up to a total of $15,000 in new grant funds per calendar year.
- Reimbursement requests for approved training expenses must have four components to be reviewed:
- Reimbursement form (Page 2 of reimbursement document) – filled in completely, including information at the top, and signed by an authorized company representative.
- List of trainees.
- Training Provider Invoice that has the name of the course you took as shown on your Express Service Agreement, the training provider name, and the name of the business being billed.
- Proof of Payment
- Acceptable forms of proof of payment include: copy of bank statement, copy of cancelled check, copy of credit card statement/credit card activity (screenshots accepted), copy of QuickBooks statement or another accounting software showing the transaction was made 和 the payment cleared. See examples 这里.
- For our purposes, payment for training has not been made if money loaned to a grantee by the training provider was used to pay training expenses, and any part of the loan remains outstanding. Until any payment agreements between grantees and training providers for grant-funded training are fully satisfied, we do not consider payment complete and grant funds will not be released.
- Instructions for submitting a reimbursement request with documentation can be found 这里.
- For any grant application received prior to November 1, 2024, at 5 pm, upon completion of an approved course, all grant recipients may request reimbursement for the total approved course, all grant recipients may request reimbursement for the total approved cost of training, as stipulated in their active Express Service Agreements.
- For applications received on or after November 1, 2024, at 5 pm:
- Businesses with 100 or fewer Massachusetts employees may receive reimbursement for an approved course of up to $300 per instructional hour, with a maximum of $3,000 per person per course. Any training costs exceeding these limits are the responsibility of the grant recipient.
- The Express Program will adjust award amounts based on businesses’ Massachusetts employee counts at the time of application as follows:
- Up to 100% reimbursement for organizations with up to 50 Massachusetts employees at the time of application.
- Up to 50% reimbursement for orgs with 51 to 100 Massachusetts employees at the time of application (*Note: an exception will be made for Express awards made for English for Speakers of Other Languages, or ESOL, courses.)
- 培训不应在快速服务协议开始日期之前开始。
- Each training course should be completed within the timeframe entered in the application. Please notify us if your training schedule changes so we can update our record. All approved training must be completed within 12 months of the Express Service Agreement start date.
- On the Express Program application, businesses may indicate a “training start date” no later than 6 months from the date of application submission.
- Employees participating in the training program should not have previously participated in the same or similar training that was funded by a previous Workforce Training Fund grant, either through the Express or General Programs.
- 根据该计划(例如,OSHA),公司依法必须向其员工提供的课程不符合报销条件。
- 申请人只能选择快速课程目录中列出的课程。但是,如果您有兴趣选择当前未注册的课程,您可能希望鼓励培训提供者注册该课程。
- 员工在培训期间必须按正常工资率支付工资。
- 允许进行实时、同步、讲师指导的虚拟或远程培训,但员工必须按时参加培训。作业或准备工作也应按时完成。
- Express-funded workplace English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) training is most commonly conducted fully during working hours. However, trainees may volunteer to take part in workplace ESOL training on their own time (i.e. off the clock). A minimum of 50% of employees’ time spent in ESOL training must be on company time and paid at their regular rate.
- Commonwealth Corporation 不认可目录中列出的培训提供者/课程的质量。企业必须进行自己的研究,并负责在提交申请之前与他们选择的培训提供商确认课程的可用性和定价。
- Commonwealth Corporation 自己不提供目录中列出的培训,我们也不代表我们目录中列出的提供者协调培训(例如,注册、开始和结束日期等)。