October 28, 2024: Over the past few years, we have seen unprecedented levels of participation in Workforce Training Fund Programs (WTFP), and as a result, Commonwealth Corporation is implementing policy changes with the goal of extending WTFP grant resources while efficiently serving more businesses.

Additionally, WTFP’s General Program will undergo application updates which will require a scheduled blackout from November 15, 2024, at 5:00 PM to December 17, 2024. Learn more here.

Directrices del Programa Express

El cambio ocurre. Express ayuda.

El Programa Express proporciona a los empleadores acceso rápido y simple a capacitación financiada con subvenciones, lo que ayuda a las empresas de Massachusetts a responder a las necesidades emergentes.


  • Grant funds are limited to $15,000 per company per calendar year, $300 per instructional hour, and $3,000 per employee per course. Businesses are responsible for covering additional costs beyond these caps out-of-pocket.
  • Massachusetts businesses with 100 or fewer Massachusetts W-2 employees may apply. In order to qualify, businesses must pay into the Workforce Training Fund. All for-profit companies pay into the fund.
  • “Massachusetts businesses” are defined as companies with work being performed in Massachusetts that have an office, factory, warehouse or other physical location in Massachusetts. Neither employees’ home addresses nor P.O. boxes can be counted as locations for this purpose. Only companies that meet this definition and all other program guidelines can be approved for a Workforce Training Fund grant.
  • Todos los aprendices deben ser empleados de nómina de tiempo completo o tiempo parcial de la empresa que recibe una subvención del Programa Express y deben estar empleados en Massachusetts. (Los aprendices no están obligados a vivir en Massachusetts).
  • Todos los solicitantes deben estar preparados para presentar un Certificado de buena reputación (COGS) del Departamento de Hacienda de Massachusetts. Todos los COGS deben tener el nombre legal de la empresa y una Fecha de notificación dentro de los 6 meses posteriores a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud. Hacer clic aquí para obtener su COGS del Departamento de Ingresos.
  • Los contratistas o empleados de otras empresas (por ejemplo, temporales) no son elegibles para participar en la capacitación financiada por subvenciones.
  • Eligible employers are encouraged to apply at any time for funding that is right sized to their current needs. Companies with 100 or fewer employees working in Massachusetts may apply and receive more than one Express Program grant at a time, up to a total of $15,000 in new grant funds per calendar year.


  • Reimbursement requests for approved training expenses must have four components to be reviewed: 
    • Reimbursement form (Page 2 of reimbursement document) – filled in completely, including information at the top, and signed by an authorized company representative. 
    • List of trainees. 
    • Training Provider Invoice that has the name of the course you took as shown on your Express Service Agreement, the training provider name, and the name of the business being billed.
    • Proof of Payment 
      • Acceptable forms of proof of payment include: copy of bank statement, copy of cancelled check, copy of credit card statement/credit card activity (screenshots accepted), copy of QuickBooks statement or another accounting software showing the transaction was made y the payment cleared. See examples aquí. 
      • For our purposes, payment for training has not been made if money loaned to a grantee by the training provider was used to pay training expenses, and any part of the loan remains outstandingUntil any payment agreements between grantees and training providers for grant-funded training are fully satisfied, we do not consider payment complete and grant funds will not be released.  
  • Instructions for submitting a reimbursement request with documentation can be found aquí.
  • For any grant application received prior to November 1, 2024, at 5 pm, upon completion of an approved course, all grant recipients may request reimbursement for the total approved course, all grant recipients may request reimbursement for the total approved cost of training, as stipulated in their active Express Service Agreements.
  • For applications received on or after November 1, 2024, at 5 pm:
    • Businesses with 100 or fewer Massachusetts employees may receive reimbursement for an approved course of up to $300 per instructional hour, with a maximum of $3,000 per person per course. Any training costs exceeding these limits are the responsibility of the grant recipient.
    • The Express Program will adjust award amounts based on businesses’ Massachusetts employee counts at the time of application as follows:
      • Up to 100% reimbursement for organizations with up to 50 Massachusetts employees at the time of application.
      • Up to 50% reimbursement for orgs with 51 to 100 Massachusetts employees at the time of application (*Note: an exception will be made for Express awards made for English for Speakers of Other Languages, or ESOL, courses.)


  • La capacitación no debe comenzar antes de la fecha de inicio del Acuerdo de servicio expreso.
  • Each training course should be completed within the timeframe entered in the application. Please notify us if your training schedule changes so we can update our record. All approved training must be completed within 12 months of the Express Service Agreement start date.
  • On the Express Program application, businesses may indicate a “training start date” no later than 6 months from the date of application submission.
  • Employees participating in the training program should not have previously participated in the same or similar training that was funded by a previous Workforce Training Fund grant, either through the Express or General Programs.
  • Los cursos que una empresa tiene la obligación legal de proporcionar a sus empleados no son elegibles para reembolso bajo este programa (por ejemplo, OSHA).
  • Los solicitantes solo pueden seleccionar cursos que se enumeran en el Directorio de cursos Express. Sin embargo, si está interesado en seleccionar un curso que no está registrado actualmente, puede alentar al proveedor de capacitación a registrar el curso.
  • A los empleados se les debe pagar a sus tarifas de pago regulares durante las horas de capacitación.
    • Se permite la capacitación virtual o remota en vivo, sincrónica, dirigida por un instructor, pero los empleados deben asistir a la capacitación en el tiempo pagado. Las asignaciones o el trabajo previo también deben completarse en el tiempo pagado.
    • Express-funded workplace English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) training is most commonly conducted fully during working hours. However, trainees may volunteer to take part in workplace ESOL training on their own time (i.e. off the clock). A minimum of 50% of employees’ time spent in ESOL training must be on company time and paid at their regular rate.
  • Commonwealth Corporation no respalda la calidad de los proveedores/cursos de capacitación que figuran en el directorio. Las empresas deben realizar su propia investigación y son responsables de confirmar la disponibilidad y el precio de los cursos con los proveedores de capacitación seleccionados antes de enviar una solicitud.
  • Commonwealth Corporation no ofrece nosotros mismos la capacitación que figura en el directorio, ni coordinamos la capacitación (p. ej., inscripción, fechas de inicio y finalización, etc.) en nombre de los proveedores que figuran en nuestro directorio.

Cifras de Impacto

Trainees Served in FY 2022
0 k+
Businesses Supported in FY 2022
0 +

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Commonwealth Corporation es una agencia cuasipública que se estableció en el 1996 bajo la Oficina Ejecutiva de Trabajo y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral. 

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