During the last few months, we have poured our hearts and souls into developing a new image that would accurately represent who we are at our core. Today, we proudly present our revamped branding. The updates reflect the evolution of our company since its establishment in 1996. In the new year, we remind ourselves of our values and chart a course for the next five years so we can create a world where meaningful employment can lead to upward mobility for all. Our brand and our website have a new sense of direction—confidence that reflects how strongly we feel about our mission and the power of collaboration and diversity.


Commonwealth Corporation提供创新的协作的职业发展方案来帮助不同社区和雇主取得成功,从而促进马萨诸塞州实现劳动力公平。


虽然这对我们来说是重要的一步,但我们的核心信念保持不变; Commonwealth Corporation 为强大的经济培养技能。我们很自豪地推出一个新网站,其结构考虑到了意向性、访问性和影响力。创建这些更改是为了帮助您(我们的利益相关者)能够谈论我们在 CommCorp 所做的工作:

通过推出我们的首个数字化产品,我们让谈论我们变得非常容易 新闻资料袋 on our website. You, however, can also use this page to stay informed about our newest press releases and announcements. To ensure consistent brand usage across all platforms, including interface, web, collateral materials, and promotions, CommCorp has developed a Brand Standards & Usage Guide. By consistently showcasing our visual identity, we build strong brand awareness, enabling us to expand our influence and advocate for our programs. These guidelines should be followed for the most effective expression of the CommCorp brand: https://commcorp.org/brand-story/ 我们还使我们的整个网站以西班牙语提供,并计划以有意义的访问和包容的名义扩展到其他语言!截至今天,这些更改将在所有平台上实施。在您的帮助下,我们将继续保持我们的增长和承诺,并在马萨诸塞州产生有意义的影响。

当您注意到我们的品牌、网站和促销活动发生变化时,我们当然很乐意与您联系。在 - 找到我们 Facebook, 领英, 推特, 或者 Instagram 并帮助我们 # 引领变革。

就像你看到的那样?好吧,你很幸运: 我们正在招聘!