2018 年 1 月 26 日,Commonwealth Corporation 主办了此次活动: 面对护理的未来:家庭护理人员招聘和保留方面的创新. Held at the Worcester Senior Center, our audience was filled with home care employers, workforce board and career center staff, directors of home care and long term care associations and community college staff. The event focused on changes in the health care workforce in Massachusetts, particularly the 令人难以置信的增长 在涉及在家中为个人提供护理的职业中。德雷克塞尔大学劳动力市场与政策中心的 Paul Harrington 分享了我们的 研究 以及对家庭护理人员的预测,特别是与个人护理助理 (PCA) 和家庭健康助理有关的内容。引人注目的是,保罗指出 十分之一的新工作 over the next 10 years across the U.S. are projected to be in these home care occupations. We also convened workforce professionals to share the work they are currently undertaking with employers to try and solve some of the challenges home care workers and employers are facing, including unpredictable schedules, transportation access, and 受益悬崖效应. Rebecca Gutman from 1199SEIU 和 Lisa Marschke 来自 联邦医学卫生政策与研究中心 presented on workforce supply and demand trends and recruitment strategies for PCAs to meet the needs of consumers through MassHealth’s PCA program. Teri Anderson, the Executive Director of the 富兰克林汉普郡就业和培训联盟,她和劳动力委员会正在召集一个家庭护理雇主伙伴关系,该伙伴关系正在制定战略,以支持工人获得更一致的工作时间并解决该地区的交通挑战。 点击这里 to see the presentations from the event. The presentations were followed by small group discussions and a Q&A for presenters. 最大的收获之一是,过去雇主解决劳动力短缺问题的传统方式不足以满足对家庭护理服务不断增长的需求。 These challenges call for strong and effective partnerships among employers themselves and between employers, workforce development, education/training institutions and workers. Exploring new approaches to solving these challenges is the only way we will be able to provide the care that some of our most vulnerable neighbors need. We thank the Worcester Senior Center and the students and staff of Quinsigamond Community College’s culinary arts and hospitality program for providing the space and refreshments for the event. Facing the Future of Care was part of our event series related to Commonwealth Corporation’s Health Care Workforce Initiatives. Check out https://commcorp.org/events/ 对于任何即将发生的事件。