通过以下方式完成培训计划的雇主 劳动力培训基金2020财年总规划统称 以 5.8% 的速度增加了新的工作岗位 在他们两年的资助期内,与就业增长率相比 -13.3% 全州-7.9% 全国 during the same two-year period. That is one of the success stories included in the WTFP 2020年年度报告,于 9 月 1 日提交给马萨诸塞州立法机关,以及 现在可以在线使用. In the face of unprecedented changes in the nature of work and learning caused by the global 2019冠状病毒病大流行, the WTFP pivots from an important resource for businesses coping with challenges recruiting and retaining workers in a full-employment economy to a lifeline for developing new skills for their workers that are essential to transforming the way they do business. For many organizations, this crisis exposed pain points, in some cases leading to an opportunity to adapt with the help of training. During FY20 (July 2019 – June 2020), many grant recipients have been forced to suspend training, while others have been able to continue upskilling their workforce by shifting to remote training. Even in the face of these challenges, measurable benefits remain apparent. In FY20:
  • 通过一般计划完成培训计划的雇主预计,他们将在两年资助期内增加 1,360 名工人。到最后,他们实际上 增加了 1,109 名工人 — 预计增长的 82%。
  • 在一般计划中,联邦公司授予 157 笔赠款共计 $16,813,594 涉及 193 家企业.总体而言,企业计划 培训 11,186 名工人 用这些资金。企业预计,在两年的资助期结束时,他们将 雇用 1,985 名额外工人.
  • 在 Express Program 中,Commonwealth Corporation 批准了来自 351 家企业的 495 份赠款申请,共计 $3,004,154 用于培训 2,722 名员工的赠款.
  • 203 家雇主招收 2,100 名工人 通过小企业直接访问计划进行培训,总价值为 $773,576。
  • 12 月,Commonwealth Corporation 领导了面向其他语言人士的工作场所英语 (ESOL) 协同设计研讨会,以重新构想 WTFP 如何可能 增加对 Workplace ESOL 的访问和参与.目标是了解企业和供应商在将 ESOL 培训纳入其战略时所面临的挑战,以便我们能够做出改进,使 ESOL 更容易获得。
在此处阅读完整的劳动力培训基金计划 2020 年度报告。