October 28, 2024: Over the past few years, we have seen unprecedented levels of participation in Workforce Training Fund Programs (WTFP), and as a result, Commonwealth Corporation is implementing policy changes with the goal of extending WTFP grant resources while efficiently serving more businesses.

Additionally, WTFP’s General Program will undergo application updates which will require a scheduled blackout from November 15, 2024, at 5:00 PM to December 17, 2024. Learn more here.


Exploring Workforce Training Fund Grants

In this session with AIM HRSolutions, our 劳动力培训基金计划 Director, Rob Duncan, shares detailed funding and application updates on Workforce Training Fund Program grants. This webinar provides actionable guidance on navigating grant resources to support your Massachusetts workforce’s development goals.


Applications are accepted and grants are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year, subject to availability of funds. Award decisions are expected within 60 days of submitting a complete application.

  • Applicants will be notified of the decision via email to the contact person provided.
  • If an application is not approved, review findings will be provided in writing, and eligible applicants may resubmit a revised application at any time.

Applicants must provide a variety of information about the company, the purpose and impact of the training plan proposed, a detailed description of the plan and related expenses, and information about the training providers proposed.



I certify that all information contained in this application is true and accurate and understand that falsification of information may be cause for application non‐review, award revocation, and/or debarment. If selected, I agree to meet the matching obligations outlined in this application. In addition, I certify the following:

  • 我/我们,以下签署人,特此证明,我的企业已遵守马萨诸塞州有关以下方面的所有法律:税收、雇员和承包商的报告以及子女抚养费的预扣和汇款(MGL c. 62C, § 49A(一个));失业保险金(MGL c. 151A, § 19A);工人赔偿保险(MGL c. 152, § 25A 和 25C(6));和雇员分类(MGL c. 149, § 148B)。我了解,多个政府实体可能会验证对这些法律的遵守情况,并且错误的合规证明可能会被视为拒绝申请和其他处罚的原因。
  • 我证明,在授权此申请之前,我通过彻底审查申请的内容进行了尽职调查。
  • 我证明此应用程序未被任何其他人代表我授权。
  • 如果被选为补助金,我同意满足马萨诸塞州劳动力培训基金计划的要求
  • 我明白,申请时必须提供一份来自马萨诸塞州联邦税务局的有效信誉良好证明。用于劳动力培训基金计划的良好信誉证书有效期为 6 个月。
  • I understand that no payments will be made until all conditions set by Commonwealth Corporation and other stated requirements are met. Requirements include but are not limited to application approval and contract execution.

我了解,如果没有执行合同,将无法开始由 WTFP 资金支付的培训。



  • 求职信(推荐): 强烈推荐求职信。建议对拟议项目和基本原理进行简要总结。此外,如果有任何重要信息需要考虑,但不能轻易放在其他地方,则应将其包含在求职信中。 
  • 马萨诸塞州税务局的良好信誉证明(必需): 劳动力培训基金赠款的所有申请人和财团合作伙伴必须提供马萨诸塞州税务局在过去六个月内签发的有效信誉良好证书(不要与公司注册证书混淆)。如需更多信息和申请良好信誉证书,请参阅 税务局网站. 
  • 培训模块和课程的描述(必填): 除了在课程描述页面中输入的信息外,申请人还必须提供所提议培训的教学大纲或详细的课程大纲。教学大纲或培训课程描述应列出并描述主题和子主题,包括顺序、时间分配以及有关教学方法的相关信息。审核人员必须获得足够的信息来评估培训是否应用了最佳实践、有别于咨询服务、价格合理、适合拟议的受训人员、赠款资金的允许使用情况,以及是否与提出的目标和成功指标在逻辑上相关。课程描述不充分将导致延迟或拒绝。 
    • 对于每个培训模块,请包括详细的培训课程说明,确定并描述所有要涵盖的主题和子主题,每个主题和子主题的时间量,以及有关培训方法的信息。强烈建议使用此示例格式,但只要包含所有必需的信息,任何格式都可以接受。
      • Word or PDF documents are preferred. You may submit individual documents for each course or describe multiple courses in a single, well-organized attachment. Use the following link to download a sample training course description: 示例课程描述附件 
  • 其他: 您可以在此处附上您希望考虑的任何其他文件。 
  • 工会支持信(如果工会成员参加培训,则需要): 每个工会的官员都需要其成员将参与培训的工会信笺上的支持信。在收到此类信件之前,不能考虑为该申请提供资助。 

Please Note: The two most recently completed years of company Financial Statements may be requested.


在考虑联合体申请资助之前, 每个 额外的财团合作伙伴必须提供: 

  • 良好的信誉证书 来自马萨诸塞州税务局 不到六个月; 
  • 合作伙伴信函: A letter from a senior manager that includes a commitment to take part in the consortium grant; 
  • 工会支持信: 如果适用于任何财团合作伙伴,则每个参与工会的成员都将参与培训的官员需要使用工会抬头提供工会的支持信; 


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Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。 

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