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Overview: Join us and hear from members of Talk Hiring as they provide information for current program year and changes in PY25/26. Talk Hiring is a unique platform that offers unlimited mock […]
Learn tactics to work with youth with a trauma informed lens (this is a two-part training, the second session is Friday 2.7)
Learn tactics to work with youth with a trauma informed lens (this is a two-part training, the first session is Wednesday 2.5)
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
Partner Staff will learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Hub
Purpose: Learn Tips and Tricks to engage new employers and keep them engaged. Retention with current employers. How do we assist regions with their commitment to employer engagement as stated […]
Learn how to navigate and facilitate the Signal Success Tier 1&2 Curriculum
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
Purpose: Provide you with ways to keep connections with alumni. Reminding Regions that engaging with alumni helps maintain these connections over time, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Alumni […]
Learn how to navigate and facilitate the Signal Success Tier 1&2 Curriculum
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
Purpose: Making sure all the loose ends of the current cycle are tied up, while preparing to engage in the ramp up to the next funding year, let's cover success […]
Learn how to navigate and facilitate the Signal Success Tier 1&2 Curriculum
Learn how to navigate and facilitate the Signal Success Tier 1&2 Curriculum
Learn how to navigate and facilitate the Signal Success Tier 1&2 Curriculum
Learn how to navigate the YouthWorks Learning Management System
O Fundo de Treinamento da Força de Trabalho e organizações parceiras organizam Sessões de Informação e Workshops de Aplicação de Programas Gerais em todo o estado. Essas sessões são voltadas para você e suas necessidades de negócios. Eles fornecem uma visão geral dos recursos e benefícios de cada programa de subsídios do Workforce Training Fund, incluindo a quantidade de financiamento disponível, diretrizes do programa e como solicitar cada subsídio. Você tem acesso direto à nossa equipe para tirar todas as suas dúvidas sobre cada programa.
Os Workshops de Inscrição para Programas Gerais são projetados para empresas que estão prontas para se inscrever ou em processo de inscrição para um Subsídio de Treinamento para Programas Gerais. Os workshops fornecem uma revisão abrangente da inscrição para o Programa Geral, como desenvolver um plano de treinamento bem-sucedido, resultados mensuráveis do subsídio, terminologia do subsídio e exemplos de inscrições.
Para ver as próximas sessões informativas do WTFP, acesse: http://mawtfp.eventbrite.com/