我们正处于青年就业危机之中。自 1990 年代后期以来,马萨诸塞州青少年的就业率下降了近一半,从 1999 年的 54% 下降到 2013 年的 27%。今天大约一半的高中生没有任何工作经验,这使得这些年轻人在未来。这 美国进步中心 estimated that nearly 1 million young people experiencing long-term unemployment during the Great Recession will lose more than $20 billion in earnings over the following ten years, or $22,000 per person. This loss of income affects not only the individual but also the entire U.S. economy through lower consumer spending, resulting in slower growth and fewer jobs created. For teenagers and young adults, getting a job is more difficult, especially if you are a person of color or live in a low-income community.  Commonwealth Corporation and the Center for Labor Markets & Policy at Drexel University 接受调查和采访的雇主 在马萨诸塞州和费城了解雇主招聘偏好变化背后的原因。事实证明,虽然雇主看到年轻人必须提供的技术和“硬”技能的价值,但他们认为他们的工作行为(出勤率、准时率、辞职率)不如成年人的工作行为。雇主还报告说,许多年轻人还没有准备好面对雇主筛选程序和入门级职位的测试。年轻人往往没有意识到他们通过自己的行为和行为发出的信号会让雇主失望并损害他们的招聘前景。例如,一些可能会损害他们机会的行为包括眼神交流不佳、衣着邋遢或在与招聘人员互动时发短信。 保罗·哈灵顿研究青年劳动力市场的德雷克塞尔大学经济学家指出,“如果孩子在年轻时不工作,那么许多重要的行为特征就不会在以后发展起来。这些是你做出重大决定的时代,你将在哪里结束生活。” 学习 show that early work experience pays off.  Teens who work 20 hours or less a week during high school have 22 percent greater annual earnings later in their career than those who do not. Teens with early work experience also tend to find future work in higher-level occupations and have access to employer-provided health insurance and pension plans. In addition, teens who have longer duration, low-intensity (fewer than 20 hours per week) employment experiences during school are also more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than students who do not work. The dramatic decline in teen and young adult employment is happening at a time in which 马萨诸塞州工人的年龄和老龄化速度比整体美国工人更快. As older workers exit the workforce, employers will be faced with a shortage of skilled workers. Employers will only be able to find the workers they need to grow and keep our economy strong if young people are given opportunities early on to learn the skills and behaviors that employers expect. Employers in our survey also reported that with the exception of career and technical high schools, many workforce development and education providers are themselves disconnected from the labor market and do not understand how hiring decisions are made. Employers value long-term relationships with schools and workforce programs so that they can better prepare young people to be career-ready. To address this, Commonwealth Corporation works with workforce and education partners, along with local employers, to strengthen work readiness training and connections to local employers. We are piloting 信号成功 在 Malden 和 Lowell 的高中以及波士顿的另类教育计划。 信号成功 是一门新的综合性课程,可提高青少年的协作、沟通、可靠性和主动性——在工作、学校和生活中取得成功的核心技能。此外,试点计划包括补贴就业机会,学生可以在其中展示他们在课堂上学到的软技能。目标是支持青少年在为雇主的期望做好充分准备后,通过课堂和在职经历找到无补贴的工作。我们还加强了就业技能发展 青年工作 summer jobs program by requiring 20 hours of a hands-on, competency based work readiness curriculum, the creation of a portfolio and a transition plan to help young people move from subsidized jobs to finding and keeping an unsubsidized job. If you are an employer who feels committed to preparing tomorrow’s workforce, please 联系我们.您的伙伴关系对于制定和执行促进青少年就业前景和成功的战略至关重要。