作为建立行业部门合作伙伴关系以解决行业中特定雇主的技能需求的全国公认的领导者,Commonwealth Corporation 为需求职业创造了新的或扩大的教育和培训计划能力。我们致力于确保马萨诸塞州的企业能够获得一批高技能工人,并确保马萨诸塞州的青年和成年人能够在知识经济中找到好工作。

作为建立行业部门合作伙伴关系以解决行业中特定雇主的技能需求的全国公认的领导者,Commonwealth Corporation 为需求职业创造了新的或扩大的教育和培训计划能力。我们致力于确保马萨诸塞州的企业能够获得一批高技能工人,并确保马萨诸塞州的青年和成年人能够在知识经济中找到好工作。
联邦公司 (CommCorp) 是一家准公共机构,于 1996 年通过合并马萨诸塞州的两个非营利组织:工业服务计划和湾州技能公司而成立。该机构当时被称为商业、工作和学习公司,直到 2001 年 3 月,根据其董事会的决议,它开始以“联邦公司”的名义开展业务。立法机关于 2004 年 9 月正式批准更名。
Secretary Jones has more than 17 years of experience working in local and state government, non-profits, and the private sector, with a particular focus on workforce development. She manages the Commonwealth’s workforce development and labor departments to ensure that workers, employers, and the unemployed have the tools, training, and safety resources needed to succeed in the Massachusetts economy.
Molly Jacobson serves as the President and CEO of Commonwealth Corporation, leading the staff and team in support of Massachusetts workers and businesses. Molly has over 14 years of experience in strategic planning and management. Previously, she was a Partner at Boston Consulting Group, where she focused on workforce and economic development topics with state and local governments.
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