
在 Commonwealth Corporation,我们认识到 COVID-19 病毒对我们支持的组织的重大影响。我们鼓励劳动力培训基金的受助者与他们的培训提供者协调,在可能的情况下远程或通过虚拟教室提供计划的内容。




只有向劳动力培训基金捐款的组织才有资格参加 WTFP 赠款计划。马萨诸塞州的所有营利性公司都做出了贡献,一些非营利组织也做出了贡献。选择 分担法 有资格为失业保险提供资金。选择 报销方式 支付的折扣率不包括对 WTFP 的贡献,因此不符合资格。没有联邦、州或地方政府实体做出贡献,因此没有资格参加任何由赠款资助的培训。





  • 皮安多西面包公司– Piantedosi Bread Company recently transitioned into its 4th generation of leadership and wanted to improve efficiencies in its processes while investing in employees’ growth as supervisors and leaders.  The training also included Advanced ESOL for a number of employees.
  • 南海岸商会– The Chamber convened a small group of CEOs and business owners from a range of industries called the CEO Roundtable. They shared a common goal: learn the necessary skills to develop and implement a strategic plan.
  • 我们部队的家园- Home For Our Troops needed to streamline processes and build more specially-adapted homes per year while maintaining its solid reputation with Veterans, funders, sponsors, and partners.
  • 朝日美国– Asahi was entering new markets and needed to be responsive to market demands. The company’s five-year plan highlighted the need to improve processes and increase efficiencies in production. The company developed a new tool as a result of the training.
  • 铁路小径面包– Rail Trail needed to develop their staff in order to expand and add new locations. The restaurant implemented Open Book Solutions (OBS) which teaches financial literacy, entrepreneurial and industry best practices. The training empowered staff to participate in the day-to-day operations of running a business and share significantly in new profits generated.
  • 绝缘公司– Training in continuous improvement, leadership skills, root cause analysis, technical writing, and auditor training helped Insulet keep up with the demands of a growing company while assuring high levels of product quality. They increased efficiencies in production and added over 100 new employees.
  • 国内市场食品 – Training in workplace ESOL for bilingual speakers, lean process improvement, and leader effectiveness training allowed them to increase output while improving efficiency. They reduced labor costs by 3% per pound, which resulted in a 3% wage increase for trainees.
  • 北米德尔塞克斯储蓄银行 – 精益制造培训使他们能够更有效地管理员工队伍并在需要时增加资源,例如 6 个新创建的职位。他们减少了近 20% 的营业额。
  • BionX – Training in lean manufacturing allowed them to scale their business and expand capabilities by eliminating waste and improving efficiency. As a result, four new full-time employees were hired.
  • 布朗特美食 – Training in communication and leadership, microbial awareness and HACCP Certification allowed them to add 114 new jobs, reduce production waste, and exceed their sales projection.
  • 马萨诸塞州脑瘫 – 时间管理和演讲技巧培训提高了生产力、减少了错误并创造了 11 个新工作岗位。
  • 准将建造者 – 冲突管理和谈判技巧培训显着缩短了项目时间并提高了盈利能力,从而创造了 54 个新工作岗位。
  • 卡耶姆食品 – 领导力发展、工作场所 ESOL 和质量保证方面的培训显着提高了员工保留率和客户满意度。


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Commonwealth Corporation是一家准公共机构,成立于1996年,隶属于劳工和劳动力发展执行办公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)。 

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