The latest round of Programa do Fundo de Capacitação da Força de Trabalho grants was announced during a visit to United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS), a grant recipient. UPS will use their $200,000 grant to train 600 Massachusetts-based employees and create 50 new jobs. The grant will help UPS implement software designed to help drivers optimize delivery routes and the placement of packages within delivery vehicles to maximize efficiency. UPS plans to invest more than $1.2 million in matching funds over the two-year grant. Download the press release for more information. In addition to the latest round of grants, a new pilot program funded by the Workforce Training Fund Program was announced. The Regional Training Capacity Pilot Program is targeted for small businesses to provide their employees with training in areas such as Process Improvement, Supervisory/Leadership, ESOL, Manufacturing Skills, and Computer Skills. Learn more about the Pilot Program and download a list of grantees.