Se anuncian los ganadores del concurso de carteles "Empleos seguros para jóvenes" 2020
Por el equipo de CommCorp
1er Lugar: Betsy O'Reilly.
Winners of the 2020 statewide “Safe Jobs for Youth” Poster Contest are each taking home cash prizes funded by Commonwealth Corporation for their creative posters that highlight the importance of workplace safety and health for teens.
Betsy O’Reilly, 16, of Mashpee, won first place and $500, and her poster will be printed and distributed to schools and other youth organizations throughout the state. Katherine Benninger, 17, of Newton, won second place and $300, and Abigail Johnson, 18, of Templeton, won third place place and $100.
Sponsored by the Equipo de Seguridad y Empleo Juvenil de Massachusetts (Equipo YES) y el Coalición de Massachusetts para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (MassCOSH), el concurso invita a los adolescentes de Massachusetts de 14 a 19 años a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre seguridad y salud en el lugar de trabajo. Este año se presentaron 180 carteles.
2do Lugar: Katherine Benninger.
Receiving honorable mentions were Jezebel Abreu, 16, of Lawrence; Noel Alvero, 16, of Quincy; Corinna Dolan, 15, of Ayer; Hailey Garvey, 15, of North Chelmsford; Katelyn Haley, 18, of Templeton; Kassidy Letton, 17, of North Dartmouth; and Renea Smart, 15, of Quincy.
The Poster Contest has been a way of asking teens to help promote safer work for themselves and their peers. Jobs provide youth with opportunities to gain experience, explore different careers, and make some money. Unfortunately, many teens are injured on the job. In fact, teens have nearly double the rate of work-related injuries than adults.
The Proyecto de Vigilancia y Prevención de Lesiones de Trabajadores Jóvenes en el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts ha estado recopilando datos desde 1993 para comprender mejor dónde y cómo se lesionan los adolescentes para que el estado pueda trabajar con socios para prevenir futuras lesiones.
3er lugar: Abigail Johnson.
El proyecto ha aprendido hablando con adolescentes sobre salud y seguridad en el lugar de trabajo that many are not receiving adequate health and safety training from their employers; many teens are working without adequate supervision; and many teens expect to have permanent effects from these injuries that occur at work.
The Massachusetts YES Team includes Commonwealth Corporation; the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General; Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; Massachusetts
Department of Industrial Accidents; Massachusetts Department of Public Health; Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards; U.S. Department of Labor, including its Wage and Hour Division; and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. MassCOSH is a nonprofit organization that promotes workplace safety through education and policy development and advocacy.
Commonwealth Corporation es una agencia cuasipública que se estableció en el 1996 bajo la Oficina Ejecutiva de Trabajo y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral.
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