Procurement for SCALE and RENEW is open. CommCorp will accept applications on a rolling basis! Please join this session to get your questions answered in real-time!
The Workforce Skills Cabinet and Commonwealth Corporation have launched the Scaling Capacity and Leveraging Employers (SCALE) Planning Grant. These funds are aligning public and private resources across the system to scale effective education-to-employment pathways that better position residents who want to be hired into jobs that businesses need filled.
The SCALE Planning Grant provides an opportunity to operationalize partnerships that will apply for larger implementation grants to solve bigger problems. This is done by de-risking the time required by businesses and stakeholder partners to determine and apply for implementation funding. SCALE encourages and requires direct engagement from the business community to solve their training, education, and talent needs at a high volume.
$10,000-30,000 is available for a one-to-three-month planning grant. Final deliverable is an application to ARPA funded workforce program, e.g., CTI, WCTF, RENEW grant.
Benefits of a SCALE grant include:
• A direct opportunity to engage the business community to solve their training, education, and talent needs at a high volume
• De-risking the time and effort required by businesses and stakeholder partners to determine and apply for funding
• Allowing groups to operationalize partnerships prior to applying for larger grants to solve bigger problems
• Providing flexible funding for planning and designing scalable activities
This application is live now and available at: Please send any questions to
The Workforce Skills Cabinet and Commonwealth Corporation have launched RENEW to develop programs that will train workers to address employers’ hiring needs and help companies meet their diversity hiring goals.
El programa está diseñado para cerrar la brecha entre los empleadores y los proveedores de capacitación locales con el objetivo de establecer canales de desarrollo de talento sostenibles. Dentro de estas asociaciones, los empleadores proporcionarán información sobre el diseño del plan de estudios, especificarán los tipos de trabajadores que necesitan ayuda para reclutar y pagarán al completar la capacitación y la colocación laboral.
Committed employers agree to pay back 50% of training costs for each hired person.
Además de la financiación del programa, las asociaciones recibirán asistencia técnica y apoyo para la contratación de los centros profesionales MassHire y las juntas regionales de la fuerza laboral.
This application is live now and available at: Please send any questions to