Technical Assistance Grant

On a very limited basis, WTFP may provide technical assistance grants to increase training opportunities to employees.

Technical Assistance Grant

*In addition to the WTFP Program grants, WTFP occasionally provides additional resources for technical assistance. These grants are available in limited circumstances only and may not be relevant to most Massachusetts employers.


  • Grant awards may be made from $10,000 minimum to $50,000 maximum.
  • Eligible entities are limited to “existing institutions such as regional employment boards, community colleges, labor organizations, administrative entities for service delivery areas under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, and other entities that have expertise in providing technical assistance regarding employee training.”
  • Proposals for technical assistance must demonstrate that each dollar expended generates not less than $5 in private investment in training.
  • Applicants must provide a Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue issued within 6 months of the application date.
  • Eligible applicants may not be debarred by any state or federal authority and must be current with all obligations to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • In some cases, information pertaining to the financial viability of an applicant may be required prior to reaching a decision on a proposal.
  • Grant funded work must be completed during a one-year contract period beginning at a date determined by Commonwealth Corporation.
  • At this time, only projects pertaining to one or more of the following WTFP priorities will be considered: ESOL, DEI, and Climate Change
  • Grant payment may be made in the form of reimbursement in increments of 50% after submitting required information.
  • If an application is approved, work will not begin until a contract is executed between the grantee and Commonwealth Corporation.
  • Grant recipients are required to submit a progress report if a reimbursement request is made prior to completing work.
  • Upon completion, prior to final payment, the grantee will submit a final report in a format provided.

1 year contract

Up to $50,000

Projects related to ESOL, DEI & Climate Change

How To Apply:

Step 1: Submit Letter of Inquiry:
Prior to submitting any proposal for technical assistance grants, a letter of inquiry must be submitted via email to [email protected] Subject: WTFP Technical Assistance Grant. The letter should include a brief concept paper, not to exceed 1,500 words. It should identify the objective, collaborators, and acknowledge that grant guidelines have been reviewed.

Step 2: Receive Confirmation / Application Materials:
Upon receipt of a Letter of Inquiry, program staff will review the letter and follow-up with additional questions, and/or indicate if a Technical Assistance Grant Application is possible. If so, application materials will be provided. In any case, applicants should expect to hear from us within 30 days from receiving a letter of inquiry.

Step 3: Submit a Technical Assistance Grant Application:
Once application materials and instructions are provided, you may submit an application at any time. Applicants can expect to address the following in their application. Additional information may be required. We expect to reach a decision within 60 days of receiving a complete application.

Proposals must include:

  • Organizational info (name, address, FEIN, org leader supporting the partnership with contact info) pertaining to any participating organizations, if relevant, which identifies the lead applicant as well as contact information for the designated person responsible for the application.
  • Project objective including information describing the problem or opportunity to be addressed.
  • Project description detailing grant-funded work with approximate timeline when relevant.
  • Anticipated deliverables and outcomes, with rationale and related quantifiable performance metrics when possible.
  • Project budget with narrative description of line items proposed.
  • Qualifications, including relevant expertise on training subject matter as well as prior experience with WTFP.
  • Rationale to demonstrate that each dollar expended generates not less than $5 in private investment in training. In addition to rationale for private investment expected to follow the proposed work, please identify any additional cash or in-kind contributions contributed to the project from other sources.
  • Letter of support and collaboration from participating organizations.
  • Letters of support from employers or employees expected to benefit (optional, but recommended).
  • If the proposal is a resubmission of a rejected application, please detail changes made.

How can we help?​

Email us at: [email protected] with your questions/concerns and our team will assist you.

Cifras de Impacto

Trainees Served in FY 2022
0 k+
Businesses Supported in FY 2022
0 +

Commonwealth Corporation es una agencia cuasipública que se estableció en el 1996 bajo la Oficina Ejecutiva de Trabajo y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral. 

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