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The American Institutes for Research (AIR) and WestEd conducted a series of studies on the effectiveness of the SSYI program on behalf of the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services. In this study, we use the results of an Interrupted Time Series (ITS) study examining SSYI’s impact on community violence victimizations.

The Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) is a youth violence prevention and intervention initiative that operates in cities with the highest juvenile crime rates. Commonwealth Corporation provides administrative, including fiscal management, assistance to EOHHS for this initiative. Learn More about this program in our Annual Legislative Report for the fiscal year 2023.

The Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) is a youth violence prevention and intervention initiative that operates in cities with the highest juvenile crime rates. Commonwealth Corporation provides administrative, including fiscal management, assistance to EOHHS for this initiative. Learn More about this program in our Annual Legislative Report for the fiscal year 2022.

The Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) is a youth violence prevention and intervention initiative that operates in cities with the highest juvenile crime rates. Commonwealth Corporation provides administrative, including fiscal management, assistance to EOHHS for this initiative. Learn More about this program in our Annual Legislative Report for the fiscal year 2021.

The enabling legislation for the Workforce Training Fund (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 29 Section 2RR) calls for a report to be filed with the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development and the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, of each year. The report highlights grants made during the previous fiscal year together with recommendations and additional information as considered appropriate. The report must also include information concerning the collection of the workforce training contributions for the previous calendar year including (i) the amount collected in each quarter and the total amount collected for the calendar year; (ii) the total number of employers that contributed to the fund and the total number of employees employed by that group of employers; and (iii) the contribution rate.
The Career Technical Initiative (CTI) has been a welcomed training model to stimulate talent pipelines and fuel innovation for technical roles in manufacturing and construction/skilled trades. The program provides Massachusetts residents who are unemployed or underemployed with training opportunities by using the state’s existing resources at vocational high schools, while simultaneously helping businesses grow by increasing the number of skilled workers able to be employed in trade and construction jobs.
WCTF grants expand training capacity to upskill new workers and address employers’ hiring needs across a broad range of occupations within industries such as healthcare, IT, transportation, and hospitality.

The enabling legislation for WCTF (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 29 Section 2WWW) calls for a report to be filed annually with the Secretary of Administration and Finance, the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means, and the Joint Committees on Community Development and Small Business, Education, Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, Labor and Workforce Development, and Public Health. The report must include the number of educational and eligible service providers receiving grants and participants receiving services and placed in employment, as well as the salary and benefits that participants receive after placement, the cost per participant, and job retention or promotion rates for the year after training ends.

The Re-Entry Workforce Development Demonstration Program (RWDDP) is an initiative of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development which works to improve workforce outcomes among individuals returning to their communities after incarceration. The program is administered by Commonwealth Corporation. The following legislative report describes the administrative functions of the program and client outcomes.

The CTI model requires and fosters collaboration between Chapter 74 schools, MassHire Career Centers, and Market Makers at the regional Workforce Boards. This partnership facilitates employer engagement, alignment of training programs with local workforce demands, targeted recruitment of individuals seeking pertinent skills, and assistance with their job placement following graduation. The CTI ARPA Report details the spending and impact of federal stimulus support via ARPA and state funds for the CTI program in FY 2024.

Commonwealth Corporation es una agencia cuasipública que se estableció en el 1996 bajo la Oficina Ejecutiva de Trabajo y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral. 

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