Developing training pipelines to meet the skill needs of businesses in high-demand occupations
The Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund Program Design Grant aims to fund planning and program design activities that lead to an implementation proposal to the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund (WCTF), Senator Donnelly Workforce Success Grants. This grant program offers funding to provide training and placement programs for (1) unemployed and/or (2) underemployed individuals, as well as training and advancement programs for (3) incumbent workers. In all three options, the training program must be designed to prepare individuals for occupational priorities identified through the Regional Workforce Skills Planning Initiative regional blueprint process.
Prospective applicants must review the WCTF-Donnelly implementation Request for Proposals (RFP) before seeking Program Design funding. Additionally, applicants are expected to submit their application for the WCTF-Donnelly implementation grant within six months of concluding their Program Design grant.
Commonwealth Corporation is a quasi-public agency that was established in 1996 under the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.
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