Commonwealth Corporation is in the skills building business

About Us

Commonwealth Corporation (CommCorp) is a quasi-public agency that was established in 1996 through the merger of two Massachusetts nonprofit organizations: the Industrial Service Program and the Bay State Skills Corporation. The agency is responsible for administering and delivering a wide range of publicly and privately funded programs. CommCorp is governed by a 19-member board of directors that includes leaders from the private sector, organized labor, academia, and government.

As a nationally recognized leader in building industry sector partnerships that address the skill needs of specific employers in an industry, we create new or expanded capacity in education and training programs for demand occupations. We are committed to ensuring that Massachusetts businesses have access to a pipeline of highly skilled workers and that youth and adults in Massachusetts have pathways to good jobs in the knowledge economy.

Our Mission

Commonwealth Corporation fosters workforce equity in Massachusetts by delivering innovative and collaborative professional development solutions that help diverse communities and employers succeed.

Our Vision

A world where meaningful employment can lead to upward mobility for all.

About Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) manages the Commonwealth’s workforce development and labor departments to ensure that workers, employers, and the unemployed have the tools and training needed to succeed in the Massachusetts economy.

EOLWD oversees the Department of Unemployment Assistance, the Department of Career Services, the Department of Labor Standards, the Department of Industrial Accidents, the Department of Labor Relations, and the Commonwealth Corporation.

Financial Statements

The audited financial statements include an unmodified opinion and represent accurately the fiscal year activity of Commonwealth Corporation.

Our Values


CommCorp believes in empowering life-long learners by investing in our people and fostering a culture of growth, both personally and professionally


In partnership with our community, our grantees, and our partners, we seek to be proactive in seeking feedback and responding to the needs of those we serve.


As a group, we are committed to making informed decisions that ensure equitable treatment, access, forward progress, and advancement for all, while identifying and removing the barriers that have hampered the full participation of some groups.


In all aspects of our business, professional and personal, we strive to create balance. This includes the ability to adapt throughout daily activities in order to support productivity and creativity in order to enhance mental health, peace, and happiness.


Keeping transparency and ethical standards a priority is an essential part of our identity, one that enables us to be trusted by our colleagues and constituents alike.


In our role as stewards of public and philanthropic resources, it is our responsibility to improve our workforce by managing resources effectively, pivoting with the times, and implementing data-driven solutions.

Executive Leadership

Molly Jacobson

President & CEO

Amanda Sakaguchi

Vice President of Finance

Aadil Sulaiman

Vice President, Youth and Justice Programs

Tom Hooper

Vice President of Sector Pathways

Team CommCorp

Ashley Durling

Senior Employer Outreach Specialist, Central/Statewide – Skill Up Initiative

Hamzah Latif

Senior Program Manager for Youth Development – Skill Up Initiative

Kyle Oliveira

Senior Program Manager for Career Navigation – Skill Up Initiative

Board of Directors

Lauren Jones

Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development
Exec Office of Labor & Workforce Development

Oswald Mondejar – Board Vice Chair

Mucho Gusto, Inc.

Anthony Pini

Legislative Political Director
Massachusetts Laborers District Council

Camilo Cobos

Vice President, Human Resources Pharma Services Group
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Anthony Britt

Program Officer, Education
Fidelity Foundation

Christina Crowley

SVP of Services & Digital Strategy and Operations
Dell Technologies

Elizabeth Bennett

Associate Commissioner
College, Career & Technical Education

Enna Jimenez

Chief Development Officer

Erin Quinn

Assoc. Commissioner of Employment & Training Programs
Department of Transitional Assistance

Heidi Riccio

Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School

Jean-Phillip Brignol

Assistant Counsel
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Leslie Gould

Executive Director
Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce

Mary Jo Meisner

MJM Advisory Services LLC

Ruth Georges

Senior Deployment Manager
Federal Department of Energy

Sarah Stanton

Undersecretary of Economic Strategies
Executive Office of Economic Development

Sherman Carter

Chief Financial Officer
EL Education, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Dates 2025

Jan 23, 2025
Hybrid with Zoom

Apr 24, 2025
In Person Only

Aug 7, 2025
Hybrid with Zoom

Oct 23, 2025
Hybrid with Zoom

Building Skills for a Strong Economy

Job Growth by Fiscal Year for Grantees That Completed WTFP Grants in FY '21
0 %
Massachusetts Workers Served in 2021
0 K

Commonwealth Corporation is a quasi-public agency that was established in 1996 under the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. 

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