Strategic Plan


In Oct of 2020, CommCorp began working on a 3-year Strategic Plan, reflecting post-pandemic realities, and focusing on historically underserved communities. We have been intentional in taking an equity lens to how we think about our workforce development efforts. This recession, as in the previous one, was particularly difficult on our Black and Latino populations in the Commonwealth. Beyond the pandemic-driven employment disparities Women, Black, and Latino workers are likely to continue to experience the most displacement from changes to job demand due to automation.

Although there is no quick fix for addressing the issues of historical inequities, there is no doubt that if we all work together our progress will be accelerated and our goals achieved. Below is our strategic plan, which details the work we have done and the journey we plan to take. We hope this will help you better understand our mission and how you, our stakeholders, grantees, and community, can engage with us as we work to achieve our vision of creating a world where meaningful employment can lead to upward mobility for all.

Organizational Goals

CommCorp will assess its progress at both the organization-wide level and programmatic impact. Uniting the plan are the eight high-level goals.


and prioritize innovative and collaborative solutions that match the career goals of diverse workers of all age/ stage starting with youth, with employers' workforce needs.


focused and intentional programming to engage unemployed and underemployed populations in meaningful economic mobility opportunities, particularly in communities that have historically experienced resource inequities.


and expand Commonwealth Corporations’ s influence and role as a thought-leader and convener.


diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and practices into our programs, services, and organizational structures, hiring practices, promotional and succession planning and processes.


and leverage public-private partnership opportunities and the state's workforce development system, and incoming federal resources to achieve scalable impact.


cross-organizational collaborations that leverage a continuum of workforce development services, break-down program silos to seamlessly serve Massachusetts residents and employers and expand employer engagement across programs.


in employee and board member talent development, ensure that talent recruitment targets under-represented communities, and celebrate a culture of diversity and collaboration.


infrastructure, drive productivity, and achieve access and equity by decreasing inefficiencies and eliminating barriers.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Goals

In alignment with the overall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement adopted by the Board of Directors, CommCorp has set forth specific goals, strategies, and measures of success for implementing DEI within our programs (external goals).


Strengthen effective use of data to ensure programs are focusing on impact for marginalized groups that have been historically excluded from dynamic and innovative systems change.


Use consistent asset-based, race-explicit, and systemic frames and language to describe BIPOC workers, learners, and job seekers and the impact that our programs have on those communities.


Standardize use of human-centered, design-driven programs and practices that focus on impact for workers, learners and job seekers belonging to historically underrepresented or marginalized groups (identified at the program level).


Support external partners and stakeholders in becoming anti-racist organizations.

Download our Strategic Plan

CommCorp understands the importance of using this Strategic Plan to guide and learn from our work over time. In order to do this, we must make the Plan a living document and adopt practices that will facilitate a collective approach to shared practices that result in learning and improvement. Download our full strategic plan and see Section VII for a detailed description of how we intend to evaluate and use the Plan to improve our work.

Commonwealth Corporation is a quasi-public agency that was established in 1996 under the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. 

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